Could Mold be the Cause of Your Sickness?
Shannon Burford Shannon Burford

Could Mold be the Cause of Your Sickness?

Do you find yourself feeling tired all the time that it seems impossible to make it through your daily routine, and just wished the day would end already? Accompanied by headaches, nausea, vomiting, finding it hard to breathe, and even diarrhea throughout the day. All these, for no apparent reason.

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Poor Sleep? You Could Be At Risk Of These Serious Conditions
Shannon Burford Shannon Burford

Poor Sleep? You Could Be At Risk Of These Serious Conditions

If you have ever slept poorly in the night, you may have found yourself losing your focus, alertness, appetite, mood, and energy the following day. When your mind goes blank, you start being forgetful, reacting poorly to different situations.

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Essential Steps to Overcome Autoimmunity
Shannon Burford Shannon Burford

Essential Steps to Overcome Autoimmunity

Having trouble catching those z’s at night? Is your insomnia impacting your work and day-to-day activities?

Sleep loss, insomnia, and other sleep disorders are linked to poorer performance, reduced alertness and ability to process information, and poorer decision-making capabilities during the day. When your circadian rhythm is disrupted, your sleep is impaired.

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Zinc Improves Sleep Quality
Shannon Burford Shannon Burford

Zinc Improves Sleep Quality

Having trouble catching those z’s at night? Is your insomnia impacting your work and day-to-day activities?

Sleep loss, insomnia, and other sleep disorders are linked to poorer performance, reduced alertness and ability to process information, and poorer decision-making capabilities during the day. When your circadian rhythm is disrupted, your sleep is impaired.

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The Best Wellness with The Right Gut Flora
Shannon Burford Shannon Burford

The Best Wellness with The Right Gut Flora

Allergies, eczema, stomach trouble, autoimmunity, hay fever, and even feeling unwell after having taken a round of antibiotics — they may seem to be unrelated, but they have one thing in common. All of these are influenced by our microbiome. It is a population of different microorganisms — bacteria and yeasts — that dwell within and on our body.

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Microbiome Health to Strengthen Immunity
Shannon Burford Shannon Burford

Microbiome Health to Strengthen Immunity

When the gut microbiome is imbalanced, you may feel digestive issues such as bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, to name a few. These microbiomes are composed of trillions of microorganisms like bacteria and yeasts, and they live within the digestive tract, or the guts. They support the immune system, and regulates the digestive, and bowel functions. To stay in tip top shape, the microbiome’s balance must be restored.

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Do You Need A Detox?
Shannon Burford Shannon Burford

Do You Need A Detox?

The body undertakes a process called detoxification to eliminate toxins and be able to maintain a healthy balance of all its functions. It does this all day, and all night, working around the clock. We are constantly exposed to toxins that naturally occur within the body, and toxins from our surroundings. Humans have evolved to be able to withstand changes around us; but what happens when harmful toxins are evolving in a much quicker pace than we do, what with our fast developing modern world.

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What does Poo tell you about your health?
Shannon Burford Shannon Burford

What does Poo tell you about your health?

Your toilet habits say a lot about your health as a whole. The duration that you are on the toilet, the consistency of your poo, whether you strain to let it all out, or it’s too runny, any accompanying pain, bloating and gas… They all say whether you may have a functional gut disorder or not. As your body’s way of flushing out the rubbish from within your body, it is crucial that your digestive health is kept in tip top shape.

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Lead Poisoning and Chelation Naturally
Shannon Burford Shannon Burford

Lead Poisoning and Chelation Naturally

Lead is one of many heavy metals which has been identified as an extremely dangerous metal for the human body. It is used in various industries for manufacturing products such as batteries, printing materials, paints, plastics and ceramics and unfortunately lead still remains in the environment from wide spread use in leaded petrol and paints.

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Digital Detox Benefits
Shannon Burford Shannon Burford

Digital Detox Benefits

Social media platforms such as Instagram and tictok were rated as the worst social platforms for negative impact on our mental health. The science is crystal clear that digital technology is not making us healthier but rather negatively impacting our physical, emotional and mental health.

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Is Your House Making You Sick?
Shannon Burford Shannon Burford

Is Your House Making You Sick?

Many people don't realise that the environment they live in can have a significant impact on their health. From poor indoor air quality to hidden toxins and allergens, your home could be the culprit behind frequent headaches, respiratory issues, or other health problems such as fatigue.

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Thyroid – The Master of Metabolism
Shannon Burford Shannon Burford

Thyroid – The Master of Metabolism

It is quite normal to feel tired or to experience fatigue throughout our lives when we experience periods of stress. There would be days where you would be working for extended hours, and nights that may even be sleepless with worry.

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Supercharged Energy Keys
Shannon Burford Shannon Burford

Supercharged Energy Keys

Are your energy levels not what they should be? Are you feeling dips in energy and struggling to keep up with your friends, family or colleagues?

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Elevating Energy Naturally
Shannon Burford Shannon Burford

Elevating Energy Naturally

It is quite normal to feel tired or to experience fatigue throughout our lives when we experience periods of stress. There would be days where you would be working for extended hours, and nights that may even be sleepless with worry.

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Heavy Metal Detoxing 101
Shannon Burford Shannon Burford

Heavy Metal Detoxing 101

Heavy metals come into our bodies from many sources including foods, water contamination, dental amalgam, environmental pollution, cosmetics and industry sources. Almost everyone will have some level of heavy metal toxicity, but some people living in cities or working in certain industries will have much higher levels than others.

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Shannon Burford Shannon Burford

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Feel tired all the time is not helpful when you have a family or need to work. What are the causes and how do you overcome it?

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Why Am I Tired All The Time?
Shannon Burford Shannon Burford

Why Am I Tired All The Time?

Feel tired all the time is not helpful when you have a family or need to work. What are the causes and how do you overcome it?

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